Women giving as one is not a responsibility but a privilege
Member and Partner Donations through November 2021
Eighth Voting Meeting
November 10, 2021
LiveStream videos available for viewing:
More Too Life “Thank You” – Dawn Sakes
Links to presentation videos follow each description below

Presenters (l to r): Jennifer Fagenbaum (Catherine Carcaterra), Tata Maffei (Joanne Simons), Theresa O’Keeffe
On November 10, 2021 60 of our 205 members were in attendance at our eighth voting meeting. For the first time, we allowed members to nominate a charity while having a representative from the charity make the presentation. This format allowed us to learn about three worthy Sarasota charities and our members’ passion for them.
Congratulations to all of them.
Family Promise of South Sarasota County was the selected charity
We raised $20,100
Family Promise of South Sarasota County has also received a $5,000 matching grant by The Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation in February 2022 – resulting in a total donation of $25,100.

Family Promise of South Sarasota County Nominated by Catherine Carcaterra, Presented by Jennifer Fagenbaum
Family Promise of South Sarasota County exists to serve families experiencing a housing crisis in Englewood, North Port, Venice, Nokomis and Osprey. They opened their doors in 2015 and provided housing support to children and their families as well as comprehensive services to ensure children and their families achieve lasting self-sufficiency.
If you were unable to attend the meeting, you can watch Jennifer’s presentation here
Family Promise of South Sarasota County presentation
The two additional charities that were pitched were:
Family Promise of Sarasota Nominated by Joanne Simons, Presented by Tara Maffei
The mission at Family Promise of Sarasota is to help children experiencing homelessness and their families find sustainable, independent housing while providing temporary safe shelter, job search, and counseling. They provide shelter, meals, basic needs, case management, referrals and resources.
If you were unable to attend the meeting, you can watch Tara’s presentation here
Family Promise of Sarasota presentation
Suncoast Institute on Chemical Dependency Presented by Theresa O’Keeffe
SICD provides free addiction education resources to families, congregations, and community. Their goal is to create an awareness of the disease of addiction and offer appropriate referral resources for people in need. They provide educational programs at no cost to all who are interested in learning more about addiction disease and the recovery process.
If you were unable to attend the meeting, you can watch Theresa’s presentation here
Suncoast Institute on Chemical Dependency presentation
Member and Partner Donations to Date
Seventh Voting Meeting
March 3, 2021
For the safety of our members during the COVID-19 pandemic, our March 2021 was once again virtual.
To select the charities for presentation, members were invited to “put their name in the hat”; 4 chose to do so, and 3 were selected. Each presenter prepared a 5-minute video which was shared with the membership. Votes were collected electronically and 147 of our 179 members voted. Our presenters did a great job of introducing us to three worthy Sarasota Charities. Congratulations to all of them.
LiveStream videos available for viewing:
Project 180 “Thank You” – Barbara Richards
Charity Selection Announcement – Kathy Gordon and Connie Abood
Links to presentation videos follow each description below
More Too Life, Inc. was the selected charity
We raised $19,400
In addition to the members’ donations, we were awarded a $5,000 matching donation grant by The Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation – making a total donation of $24,400 to More Too Life, Inc.
More Too Life, Inc. Presented by Debi Jacob
More Too Life’s vision is “ending human trafficking by deep case management with mentoring and educating those affected by it, in order for them to discover their authentic identity while motivating others to take charge of changing systems and ideologies that fuel its root causes.”
Our donation of $18,400 (plus the possibility of a $5,000 matching grant) will be used to provide “graduates” of their program with a “gift” to help them on their way to a new life. Some examples would be clothing to wear for a job interview, or perhaps eyeglasses for someone who cannot afford them but needs them for their new job.
To learn more about More Too Life, Inc., visit Moretoolife.org.
More Too Life Video Presentation
The two additional charities that were pitched were:
The Andrew Monroe Memorial Scholarship Fund Presented by Stacey Monroe
In honor of the life of Andrew Monroe, a 5K Walk/Run was established for the benefit of senior soccer players at Riverview High School as well as Track and JROTC scholarships in Sarasota FL. To learn more about Second Heart Homes, visit AndrewMonroe.com
Andrew Monroe Fund Video Presentation
Making An Impact, Inc. Presented by Linda Hoy
This organization helps connect people providing services with the people who need them. They currently offer one of the area’s most comprehensive resource for that connection. To learn more, visit making-an-impact.org/.
Making An Impact Video Presentation