Our Mission: 100+ Women Who Care Greater Sarasota provides our community with donations to local charities to make life a little better for people in need. We are women giving as one not as a responsibility but a privilege.

Contact Us

Our email address: 

Please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions about the organization, the website or a charity you may be hoping to support.

Check out our Facebook Page @ 100 Women Who Care – Greater Sarasota


Our Committees

Many people contribute their “time and talents” to support this extraordinary effort and have made our vision of launching a 100 Women Who Care – Greater Sarasota chapter possible. 



Connie Abood – Social Media and Web Maintenance


Gari Baker – Charities and Administrative


Susan Beane – Finance, Member Meetings and Venue


Kathy Gordon – Membership, Publicity


Debi Jacob – Historian, Publicity


Bridget Pearson – Videographer


Judith VanNostrand – Photography


Shirley Wiginton – Administrative